Ongoing development

Common problems

It’s always the strings

A common problem is correctly co-ordinating the database configuration details between the android uploader and the web app. The problem is by far the most common source of use error. This particular problems probably dwarfs all the other problems.

Solution: use QR code. A QR code generator, allows users to type the configuration, verify the syntax, and then copy and paste the configuration settings into Azure. This also allows the android uploader to automatically configure itself by interpreting a picture of the scanned QR code in the Nightscout app.

This particular feature was discussed on variety of social media, and then integrated through pull request.

Ongoing concerns

Data privacy and security

Most often expressed as feature request:

  • User would like to allow school administration access during school hours only.

Certain features we are adding require good authentication, and there are lots of legitimate requests for being able to schedule black out zones during times of the day. We’ve added SSL protection to help people stay secure, and have implemented alternative transports to help keep certain credentials safer. There are a few attempts at adding authentication, but hesitant to quickly bolt something on and call it secure. Support volunteers say this rarely comes up.

How to build a better dosing machine

A frequent request is for increased, step-wise integration with DIYPs or similar technologies.

More devices

Medtronic support. There is a request for Medtronic support every 2 days.

Accurate reporting

Adding dialogue to test acceptance/readiness to “donate data.” Need way to submit “events” to FDA, can work on tool to amend/validate qualified submissions.